Meadow Garlic, Allium canadense
The entire plant is edible. It grows only 20 to 30 cm tall and is, therefore, ideal for border edges and boulevards. Its small, star-shaped white or pink flowers bloom in June and July.The leaves can be chopped and eaten raw like chives. The small garlic bulblets that form on the seed heads can be used to make an infusion to relieve colds. The bulbs can also replace onions. Any onion juice is also a home remedy for treating bee and wasp stings.
Meadow garlic attracts small bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and predatory insects, which will help keep your garden in balance. Wild turkeys love the bulbs and leaves.
Growing conditions:
In the wild, meadow onion grows in prairies and open woodlands. For your garden, it is a hardy perennial that thrives in sunny, well-drained locations. It prefers moderately rich, neutral soils but will grow in any well-drained garden soil. It blooms in sunny locations but can still be grown in the shade, where it will still produce the iconic maroon-coloured garlic bulblets.
Meadow Garlic
20 - 30 cm great pollinator edible sun - shade predatory insects early bloomer any soil type humming- birds deer resistant medim-wet to dry small bees boulevard .
Garden symphony:
Butterfly milkweed, pearly everlasting, golden Alexander, harebell, Virginia mountain mint, wild bergamot, foxglove beardtongue, obedient plant.....